Thursday, November 18, 2010


Sir Francis Younghusband was the one responsible in part for the opening up of Tibet in modern times....which was part of 'THE GREAT GAME' when nations competed to control or colonize nations....and he was the one that the late Gurdjieff 'discussed' in some of his writings in which he never 'forgave' the deaths of some in Tibet and especially a special LAMA by the troops led by Younghusband during the invasion of Tibet and also the effect it had on the DALAI LAMA, no doubt, which influences are still operating in this 21st century...... Younghusband, like many eccentric British Officers and military men, had a fascination for India and certain mystical practices and wrote the book,MODERN MYSTICS and a few others.....Like Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton, and J>F.C. Fuller...who also involved themselves in various occult and esoteric groups and activities,which are interesting to read about if one has the time and can obtain their books,etc.

Monday, November 15, 2010


I have decided to create this blog because it is. not only interesting, fascinating, and complex, but it deserves a special treatment or discussion that cannot be fully done under other categories without a lot of confusing and other positions entering the field....HIMALAYAN BUDDHISM is simply the various rites and rituals and schools and sects and site that Buddhism has in those geographic areas knownn as THE HIMALAYAS and are not confined merely to Tibet or Nepal where much attention is focused by Westerners in particular....The occult and esoteric aspects are also important and they also have significance for other areas, like martial arts, for example or certain types of medical practices and theories....